Charity Dinner Event 2024

Quick facts about BRCR
It took 15 long years to fundraise and build this Children’s Home, since 1999.
In collaboration with the Rotary Club of Kuala Lumpur Diraja and BRDB in 2010, we created a safe space for multiracial and multireligious children under the Rotary BRDB Trust (PPAB – 20/2011).
Licensed under JKM Subang Jaya (B/PJB KK 017/2022), BRCR is committed to nurturing underprivileged children to become kind, responsible, and successful citizens, supporting them until their first gainful employment.
Currently, we care for 65 children at an average cost of RM9,600 per child annually.
Our operation relies on donations and funds from the public individuals and businesses.

With your help, we provide a safe haven for these little hearts, ensuring they not only survive but thrive.
Your generosity directly impacts their education, health, and happiness.

Huda Muhammad Farid: +6019-7755101 Vasanti: +6016-3678780
Teacher Yong Kai Fui @ Angela: +6012-8870829


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