Sponsor A Child (SAC)

The BRCR “Sponsor a Child” Programme was launched on September 3, 2020. This Programme aims to support our children at-risk and in-need, as raising a child in our home costs RM9,600.00 per year. Your constant empowerment and contribution will give the child a second chance in life.
Your sponsorship will provide for the child’s necessities including holistic development, fulltime child protection, education, health & nutrition and therapy & counselling. We have two payment modes;
  1. One-off payment of RM9,600.00 (supports one child for 1 year)
  2. Monthly Giving of RM800.00 for 12 months

❖ Payment reference: Sponsor a Child

Register for Sponsor a Child Programme at https://brcrmalaysia.org/#sponsor
Your sponsorship is eligible for tax-exemption, payable to:
CIMB Bank Acc.: The Kuala Lumpur Rotary Charity Foundation–BRCR
Acc. No: 8010 734 974
Please email your cheque/bank transfer slip snapshot to child@brcrmalaysia.org or Whatsapp +6019 775 5151 
With your Full Name, IC/ID and Address (Personal Donation) or
With your Company Name, Company Registration Number and Address

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